Saturday, July 12, 2008

Extract from When little napoleons aspire to play God - The People's Parliament

Farida Says:

To put it very, very simply, we know God is good but the devil is evil.

God is Truth but the devil is Liar. God is holy but the devil is unholy. God wants us in heaven but the devil wants the numbers in hell to swell.

There is a separation between the domains of good and evil, a line that divides.

God is intent on keeping us in his domain and if we are obedient, we are safely there. The devil is intent on getting us to cross that boundary to become his.

How does he do it? Through three things : through
a) temptation - luring us with the things of the world, with money, power, career etc

b) through feeding our ego and building up our pride

c) through deception - whispering to us that it’s okay, no one will ever find out and hell is a fun place to be in.

We are either God’s followers or the devil’s devotees.
And it is detectable in which territory we are in for by our speech and our acts will we know and others know where our loyalties lie.

God is Truth but the devil is a liar. God is love but the devil is full of hate. God is just but the devil is unjust. God is order but the devil is chaos.

Look at our leaders, whichever party they come from. You can know who walks the way of God and who is in the clutches of the devil.

Look at ourselves too. In which domain are we?

Yes, sometimes we too fall and depart from God’s way. We are thus dragged across this boundary into the devil’s territory. But if we repent and ask God for forgiveness, we are forgiven and we return to God’s domain.

But if we treat repentance as a useful tool and so do the same sinful thing again and again, who are we fooling?

Repentance is turning away from the evil we do and changing to embrace new characteristics.

When the devil has you in his grip, and because he is the author of lies, you begin to see truth as a lie and lies as truth.

You see yourself as superior to others. You demand more for yourself. You will not hesitate to lie and cheat, to back-stab and kill to preserve yourself or get ahead.

Your core values include blackmail, boastfulness, cruelty, deception, destruction, greed, hate, hypocrisy, ingratitude, injustice, jealousy, lack of control, lying, lust, malice, murder, outrage, pride, power, preservation, slander, social status, superficiality, viciousness, wealth, wickedness.

You deceive yourself you are fine when you are not. You have lost control of yourself and it is the devil that controls you and has you doing his bidding.

You think you are on the road to success but you are on the road to self-destruction. You are hellbent for hell but think you are in a paradise on earth.

When you come out of that false euphoria, you realise you are a victim of the turmoil you helped to create. You have to save yourself, your family and the wealth you have amassed.

You have to fight and hit out at the ones who are in your way. You have to fight God’s followers to preserve your turf. You fight best with the devil’s dictates.

And so you never come out from the territory of darkness and you never experience the freedom that comes from repentance and the forgiveness of God.

Life is short. Life is precious. We are given only one chance to walk this Earth.

It is time to ask ourselves why we are here on Earth. Is life only about working, getting a pay packet and enjoying life? What is God’s purpose for some to be born rich and some poor, for some to be born Malay and others of other races?

Truly, if I accept there is only one God, then I am compelled to accept that God created every other race than mine.

And I must answer these questions before God :”How does God want me to behave towards the other races? Why are they in my life and in this country as well?
What response to them would please God and what responses would displease God?”

My answer? I am here on Earth to love others because God is a God of love.

Love means saying you are sorry. Don’t believe the ‘Love Story’ version, please. Love means putting the other person before you. Love means justice and compassion and mercy and help and comforting and standing up for the rights of others.

Love means i see you not through the eyes of race and religion and division but I see you as a brother or a sister I can get to know.

I am a creation of God. You are a creation of God. How can I not accept you as my fellowman?

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