Friday, July 18, 2008

Sodomized Malaysians Are A Lucky Lot -

It seems that Malaysia has now officially secured another world-class record. We are the first country in the world where victims of sodomy can get the personal attention and sympathy of the top two government officials, namely the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

We are all no doubt aware that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak granted an audience to poor little Saiful Bukhari, at Najib's private home no less. (Let's ignore the little fact that Najib lied about this encounter in a denial only several days prior to his admisison to playing a role as sodomy counsellor). Najib has even gone on record detailing his innate skills as a sodomy counsellor and part-time trauma psychologist by telling the world that he could assess Saiful as telling the truth because Saiful's hands were cold and shaking. Kudos to Najib! We are certainly a country blessed by such a sensitive DPM. But we cannot give all the credit to Najib, because he learned this valuable skill from another: his old mentor and former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir bin Mohammad.

It seems that Mahathir bin Mohammad was not only a top-notch Prime Minister and a medical doctor, but he was also a rape counsellor, specifically for sodomy. In the middle of the Asian Financial Crisis of the mid-90's, the good doctor managed to find the time to personally meet up with, not one, but TWO victims of buggery.

As quoted in Mahathir's own cyber-extension of his (self-admitted) big mouth:

" 7. Is the present complainant a copycat? Hardly likely. Few would care to make public such a very shameful thing as being sodomised. In fact, the last time at least two people came to see me claiming they were sodomised by Anwar. But they were unwilling to make a report or be witnesses in court. One of them, however, did see the imam of Masjid Negara (now Member of Parliament for PAS), to seek advise on the religious angle.'"

How nice! Victims of sodomy in Malaysia do not report to the police, nor seek medical treatment for a ripped anal spinchter or undergo tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, but they go straight to Mahatir bin Mohammad and Najib Razak to complain about their misfortune. And these two good men, take time out of their busy schedules of running the country into the ground, to tend to the complaints of sodomy victims.

How heartening! But let's dispense with the bullshit already!

In his blog, Mahathir also goes on the defensive by claiming the probability of the allegation against Anwar is true because it is unlikely that the government will use the same allegation twice. Hey, Mahathir....GOTCHA!! That type of desperate statement can only come from somebody who is desperately trying to salvage a political conspiracy that is fast going down the spinchter. This statement by Mahathir comes hot on the heels of several polls that indicate about 99% of Malaysians (including UMNO supporters) do not believe the allegation against Anwar...with the remaining 1% coming from supporters of Mahathir and Najib, as well as the population of brain-damaged individuals (which are often one and the same). I think it will also surprise nobody that this silly conspiracy against Anwar Ibrahim only surfaces not very long after Mahathir bin Mohammad met up with his sodomy counsellor protege Najib Razak.

As many are aware, the person with the most to lose from Anwar coming into power is Mahathir bin Mohammad. Not the cronies or the slimy UMNO politicians, because when push comes to shove, these guys will find other ways to adapt and leech off the system. But Mahathir faces the possibility of serious investigation for possible wrongdoings during his 22-year tenure, starting with (but not necessarily limited to) the Korek Kronicles Saga of VK Linggam.

It is therefore no surprise that following the March 8 elections, Mahathir has been running around like a desperate chicken who realizes he is destined for Colonel Sanders' crockpot. And it is also no surprise, that Mahathir seems to be positioning himself as the number #1 snakeoil salesman of justifications for why these allegations this time are true. And in this comedic mix, Mahathir has been blowing hot and cold about his sodomy consellor protege, trying to throw everyone off the scent (or is it stench) of him being the mastermind behind Najib. All a big stale sandiwara of a "rift" between the mastermind and his sodomy counsellor protege.

While this sandiwara plays out, I would strongly encourage all victims of rape in Malaysia, especially of buggery and sodomy, to make a beeline to Mahathir's and Najib's offices. It seems you may be able to get your cases resolved sooner rather than relying on the police, who are currently very busy on a large-scale bribe collection exerci....oops, I mean manning roadblocks all over the country.

by V for Vernon