Sunday, July 20, 2008



MALAYSIAKINI headlined "Roadshow: After Malacca and Pahang, Johor's next". Malaysiakini reports that Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim toured three states over the weekend in a bid to regain political momentum despite his arrest on sodomy allegations - the same charge that saw him jailed a decade ago.

This Scribe is of the opinion that all Pakatan Rakyat MP's and Assemblymen must also 'turun padang' and explain to the Rakyat especially those who have been intoxicated by the BN/Umno spin as to why there is a need for regime change now.

You can't expect Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alone to carry the burden of exposing the lies and deceptions of the BN/Umno regime. Due to this, DSAI is under tremendous attack by the BN/Umno regime and their agents, the Police and the Mainstream Media. What we need is for all Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives especially those from PAS and DAP to carry the torch for DSAI that will allow the Rakyat to see through the darkness of the Evil BN/Umno regime.

This Scribe believes that the Rakyat can also be Change Agents in this endeavor to push the BN/Umno regime out of power. This Scribe fully supports the idea by a reader of MARGEEMAR by the name of CHONG that the onus is with the Rakyat to make the change. The following is CHONG'S unedited comment:

"it is just too disgusting to watch it further. If we really mean it; to save malaysia. really wanna kick out the incompetent and corruptedtothecore government, by just bashing them in the internet & hoping the opposition party to do it for us isn’t enough. We should take our own action too. However to demonstate or tunjuk perasaan isn’t the effective way. We should instead give pressure to our ‘wakil rakyat’ because they represent us. At each of the respective districts which are under the ruling party, we should invite the news reporters, the polis and demonstrate at the ‘wakil rakyat’ office or home, to officially send them a memorandum spelling clearly their obligation and duty, and our expectation from them; failing which they should resign as failing to represent us. I think it is a more effective way to make our wakil rakyat realise that they are chosen by us and we can dismiss them too. Then they will take action to ensure the government making the right decision or they will swift to pakatan rakyat."

This Scribe also believes that we, the Rakyat, can take this Struggle for Change a notch higher by going up to journalists and newscasters of the Mainstream Media and tell them to stop the spin against the Opposition and all those who are against the policies of the BN/Umno regime. We can tell them it is their right and choice to refuse to being made to be mouth pieces of the BN/Umno regime. We need to appeal to them to use their talents and position to speak the Truth. They must make their conscience clear and let let their bosses know this. They can choose not to be a part in deception, malice, rumor mongering and falsehood by quitting the organizations they represent should these organizations refuse to listen to the Truth.

The likes of Wong Chun Wai, Baradan Kupusamy, Suhaini Aznam, Joceline Tan, VK Chin, Marc Lourdes, Lourdes Charles, Karam Singh Walia, the newscasters of TV3, RTM, Bernama TV, Astro Awani etc can and must be approached by us, the Rakyat, and be made to make their stand on this very important issue.

We must say it to them to their faces, to their hearts, where ever we see them. Whether it is at their work place, home, in the street, place of worship or at public areas, they must make their stand and speak only the Truth and not allow themselves to be cursed by the Rakyat and God forbid, one day be treated like a leper by the Rakyat!

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