Friday, July 11, 2008

A voice of hope - The people's parliament

A voice of hope

July 11, 2008

Syazana Fatkhi sent this to PAS and copied it to me.

She okayed my sharing it with you.


Salam to all PAS ,

Firstly I would like to congratulate you for your big win last March, and of course on PAS’ gain of MB positions in two new states: Kedah and Perak.

I am a young Muslim Malaysian female, who did everything she could to ensure that politically, the former government Barisan Nasional did not win as much during the election of March 2008, because I have been so
sick and tired of the moral bankruptcy of their politics and their non-existent vision for the country.

(so, yes, I was a HUGE Pakatan Rakyat even WAAAYYY before it was called Pakatan Rakyat)

I am writing to PAS head offices’ emails today because I am at a loss as to what PAS seeks to achieve with PAS “Islamic-lifestyle” reformation in Kelantan and the country.

Why does ANY group - either political or non-political ones when they speak about “Islamic-anything” the first thing they do is reform the OUTER - to make it seem MORE Islamic? I wear the hijab myself, and I do it for my own personal reasons, but I have issues with this incessant need of these “Islamic-reforming” groups that are happy enough with the OUTER-ISLAM. So, so long, as Kelantan has men-women-only check out counters at the supermarkets or the cinema lights are not turned off - then Kelantan can be called an Islamic

Shouldn’t Islam be so much more than that, I sincerely want to know. Shouldn’t sincerity and one’s own seeking to do things to please God be the teachings of an ‘Islamic state’, vs. a state that has all these
Islamic-lifestyle imposed on them?

I am sure Kelantan residents are very happy to be in/from their states. I am sure of it.

But, isn’t Islam about social justice, education, rights for children and single mothers to have all the help and amenities for them to succeed? Isn’t Islam about economic opportunities and meritocratic society? Isn’t Islam about just and strong leaders who are visionary and socially caring and a thriving rakyat that can prosper and grow under this just conditions?

Why is it so easy for PAS to make ‘Islamic-anything’ by denouncing music concerts, or dressing of women? Is this actually because PAS knows that it is so much harder to impose social justice and educational opportunities for the rakyat - THUS forgoing the BASIC CORE of Islamic living/philosophy/tradition of putting in place proper social reforms, and impose these idiotic men-women check out counters
or the much-easier imposings of women dressings instead.


I am one voice amongst so many of the much-needed-to-be-heard Muslim youth voices in Malaysia. Please heed us.

If it is Islamic-lifestyle that you seek to implement, I can’t see why Muslims and non-Muslims alike would have problems about PAS affirming trustworthiness in state and government employees, or hiring passionate teachers in schools, or ensuring basic skills training for the old and down-trodden.

Don’t you think my dearest PAS leaders/workers/volunteers, we all should look inside ‘Islamic’ ourselves and ask, why, has there not been ANY more PROPER Islamic societies since the Caliphate Al-Rashidun? Not during the Abbasid or the Umayyad Empires, not even during the powerfully long and successful Ottoman Empire, and certainly none in our time today.

Maybe we should ask ourselves the REAL reason behind this wanting to impose Islamic-anything. Is it for PAS (sincerely and most most honestly), more politically-driven, than wanting to implement it to please God? - Because if it is, then we know why, PAS’ Islamic reforms have not been successful, and without God’s help, will never be successful, in this country, in this lifetime, ever.

Islam is a beautiful religion. I ask that my PAS leaders don’t dilute it into something so meaningless and uneventful as men-women only check out counters.

No wonder Muslims of the world are the way we are today.


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